ICP now hosts a bi-weekly Quran halaqah for students of all ages, children or grown up.

For the 2024 spring term, we only have a teacher for males.

Each session is two hours. Teachers will give specific time for hifz students and specific time for reading/qaidah students.


Humaira Sheikh: My name is Humaira, I moved to Pittsburgh a little over 6 years ago. I received my Hafs certification along with my Aalim course completion in Saut ul Furqan Academy in NJ. I have been working with students for as long as I can remember. Helping students navigate through quran and qaidah through ease is just one of my many goals. I'm looking forward to being a part of this community and being of help!

PLEASE NOTE: Sister Humeira will not be teaching with us during the 2024 spring term for personal reasons. May Allah grant her and her family all the best!

Allussaine Kamara: In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful. May Allah send his peace and blessings to our beloved prophet Muhammad (PBUH) his companions and his family.

My name is Allusaine Kamara. I received my high school certificate at Ansar Islamic School in Sierra Leone where I learned the foundations of Qur'an studies. From there I attended Al Azhar in Egypt where I continued my studies for four years. While I was in Al Azhar I used to attend the Qur'an Halaqah at both Al Azhar Grand Mosque and at the masjid of the student campus, where I received a certificate of mastery in Qur'an reading and Tajweed.

My love of the Qur'an began when I was a child when I used to listen to local sheikhs narrating the stories of the prophets in the Holy Qur'an especially the story of prophet Yusuf (AS). Since then my goal has always been to study the Qur'an and teach other people.

What encouraged me the most is the Hadith of the prophet (PBUH) that states: "The best of you is he who learns the Qur'an and teaches others." I have been teaching at ICP Sunday school for 5+ years, and I decided to do so because I want to be a part of a mission that is working to teach the deen of Allah and the Qur'an. May Allah increase us with the knowledge of his deen.